Sunday, June 27, 2010

Take Your Bible for a Walk

I recently read an on-line article from my old seminary and discovered that The Rev. Shunji F. Nishi, acting dean at the time I attended, and my Philosophical Theology professor, had died last May. He was an interesting professor and yes, very philosophical. He asked us one day, “What is the commandment of Jesus most people follow today?” We gave him several scriptures. I quoted Mark 16:15. With a wry smile and a bit of sarcasm, Professor Nishi quoted Mark 7:36.

“And he charged them that they should tell no man…”

His point of course is that most professing Christians are reluctant to talk about the Gospel. Unfortunately, Professor Nishi was right. Most people when given an opportunity will choose to say nothing about their faith; in fact most professing Christians don’t even open their Bibles. They rely on the personality in the pulpit to tell them what they should believe.

Jesus said, “Go in into all the entire world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) The problem? Most Christians have no idea how to do that. Communicating the simple truth of the Gospel is elusive to those who never crack a Bible past Sunday morning. Jesus’ intention in Mark 16:15 wasn’t that our only obligation was to send and support missionaries, or go on the occasional mission trip. While these works are wonderful and needed, it isn’t the sum total of our responsibilities. The mission field is right out the front door. And Jesus’ admonition in Mark 16:15 applies to all of us. We live in amazing technological times. We have the ability to travel and communicate further than we ever have - whether by plane, train, automobile, or electronically. Everyone has a cell phone; texting and tweeting are now part of the American lexicon. Internet access that connects us globally is a few keystrokes away. Our voice and image has the ability to travel further and in a shorter amount of time than Professor Nishi or any of us could ever have imagined twenty-five years ago. Yet, we have friends, neighbors, co-workers, even family members who have never heard the Gospel. We stand next to lost souls in line at the grocery store; they’re sitting next to us in restaurants, movie theaters, and airplanes.

We are willing to carry on small talk with total strangers about our favorite sports team, our hobbies, or our family. How about talking about your church, the Bible, your salvation? I know, many of you will say you aren’t good with scriptures or you don’t know how to start the conversation without feeling like a “Jesus Freak.” Well - there are worse things you could be.

I have a challenge to all my blog readers. It is the same challenge the good professor gave our class all those years ago. Take the biggest Bible you can find, and carry it with you for a week; in full view - out in the open - everywhere you go. Don’t open it; just take it with you. Let me know how many opportunities to talk about your faith arise from this simple exercise. I was amazed at the looks I got, and more amazed at the opportunities I had to speak about what was in the book.

If you are doing your part, keep it up! If you’re not doing your part, please remember the verse after Mark 16:15. “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” (Mark 16:16) Isn’t that something everyone needs to hear?

Be communicating,

Bishop Ian